Debt Settlement Services Companies often suffer from payments on debt that absorb much of their Net Income. This affects what is called free cash flow. Free cash flow is the amount of money a company can spend freely after all expenses are paid. Free cash flow is the funding used to invest in expansion or innovation. This is how businesses grow and become more profitable. All Businesses are in business to maximize profits by settling an excessive debt, more cash is available to invest in future activates and help the business grow.
How we help?
The Rosewood Financial Group is the debt settlement finder. Rosewood partners with over 30 debt settlement companies to find the right settlement company for your needs. Using our network of settlement companies, Rosewood Financial can go directly to a partner company to help our clients find relief from debt in a timely manner. We support our clients by supplying quick, professional service. Our sales associates are attentive, empathetic listeners. We add value by taking the time to understand your business and your unique situation.